• Kammu is a cross-border ethnic group,located in Thailand,Lao PDR,Myanmar,China and other places.In China,there are over 3000 Kammu people,attributed to Blang.Kammu inhabited in other countries is a single ethnic group which is separated from other nationalities.What a nation Kammu is and how is its status quo of language use like?• As such a small ethnic group,surrounded by strong languages of many countries,what characteristics and principles does Kammu people's language use have? And has it come to decline?• In Laos,Kammu is moving toward opening up,and foreign exchange will continue to increase.In such a new socioeconomic environment,what changes has their language life had?• Kammu in Laos use bilingualism: on the one hand,use their mother tongue;and on the other hand,use the common language of the country,the Lao language.How is the relationship between these two languages? From what channels do Kammu people learn the Lao language? What are the principles of the acquisition? And what experience can other countries learn from?• Belonged to Kamuic branch,Mon-Khmer group,Austro-Asiatic Family,the Kammu language is complex,peculiar and worth significant linguistic values.What structural features does the Kammu language in Laos have? What relations does it have with the Kammu language in China?• This book tries answering the above questions on the basis of the first-hand materials achieved from the practical investigation,instructed by comprehensive research methods of linguistics,ethnology,and sociology.
第一章 绪论第一节 调查目的
第二节 调查的阶段划分
第三节 调查问卷及有关标准的说明
第四节 调查体会
第二章 老挝民族概况第一节 老挝多民族国家发展概况
第二节 老挝民族概况
第三节 老挝克木族概况
第四节 克木族及克木语研究概况
第三章 老挝琅南塔省克木族语言生活个案第一节 汇单村汇单小组语言使用现状个案
第二节 查伦苏村查伦苏小组语言使用现状个案
第三节 汇单村会胡小组语言使用现状个案
第四节 纳杜村纳杜小组语言使用现状个案
第五节 城镇家庭语言使用个案
第四章 小结:老挝琅南塔省克木族语言使用现状及成因第一节 老挝琅南塔省克木族母语使用现状及成因
第二节 老挝琅南塔省克木族兼用老挝语的现状及成因
第五章 琅南塔克木语的语音第一节 声母
第二节 韵母
第三节 声调
第四节 音节结构类型
第五节 连音音变
第六章 琅南塔克木语的语法第一节 词类
第二节 短语
第三节 单句
第四节 复句
第五节 特定句式
第七章 琅南塔克木语的词汇第一节 构词法
第二节 外来语借词
第三节 地名特点
附录一 琅南塔克木语2000常用词
附录二 长篇语料
附录三 访谈录
附录四 调查日志
附录六 照片